We can help You GROW Personally.

Coaching is a process designed to assist an individual to achieve the success that they want in life,  whether in sport, work, home, leisure or any other context. An individual, often called the coachee, meets with a coach who facilitates a confidential and non-judgemental process that helps the coachee find their own route to their aspirations and goals. A coach can also help an coachee identify wants, aspirations and goals when these may not be clear or obvious.

There is no exhaustive list of the areas where Personal Coaching could be of benefit, here are a number of examples:

  • Education and Exam Preparation
  • Personal Career Planning
  • Work Life Balance
  • Sport
  • Personal Stress Management
  • Assertiveness
  • Confidence Building
  • Inter-personal Skills and Communication
  • Presentation Skills
  • Dealing with Phobias and Unwanted or Self-Limiting Beliefs

Our approach to Personal Coaching is to offer an initial exploratory meeting where there is no obligation on either side. The purpose of this meeting is to establish the relationship between Coach and Coachee and to agree terms of reference tailored specifically to the coachee's requirements.

Typically coaching sessions last between 60 and 90 minutes with sessions arranged as frequently as the coachee needs to make progress. The coachee retains responsibility for making progress and telephone support may be considered after the initial sessions.

All our coaching techniques and methodology are founded in NLP and with coachee agreement a range of  interventions may be suggested to support the coaching process.

The Academy operates to the highest standards of competence and code of practice as set out by the Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming.