NLP In Coaching

Neuro Linguistic Programming is the description of an attitude and methodology from which a set of tools and techniques emerge. NLP was first described back in the early 1970's when a group of researchers, linguists and scientists began to identify patterns of language that could empower people to achieve extraordinary outcomes. 

Richard Bandler and John Grinder, often accredited with the title of 'The co-founders of NLP' developed the models along with Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Judith DeLozier, David Gordon, MaryBeth Anderson, Frank Pucelik and Eric Robbie. It is referenced that Robert Diltz also joined the group on occasions and is also highly respected for his contribution to NLP. Their research, findings and models also grew from earlier ideas from the world of therapy, communication and change.

Since the early days, NLP has continued to evolve as new and different applications are identified and aspects of NLP are used within different context. 

The Academy of Neuro Linguistic Coaching supports the application of NLP in Coaching. We are not engaged in therapy or any of the other applications of NLP.

It is the presuppositions or ethos of NLP thats holds the benefits in a coaching context.

The Pre-suppositions of NLP

 1.  Having respect for the clients model of the world

 2.  The meaning of communication is the response you get

 3.  Your mind and body are connected and therefore affect each other

 4.  The words we use are simply representations of an experience or event

 5.  At any given moment in time you are doing the best you can

 6.  Behaviour is created specifically in the context of current experience

 7.  Actions speak louder than words

 8.  The meaning of all your behaviour and language is context dependent

 9.  You have all the resources you need to achieve what you want

10. If one person has achieved something then you can too

11. The person with the most choices of behaviour will have the most influence

12. There is no failure - only feedback

13. If coaching doesn't work for you then its due to the flexibility of the coach

14. Everything you do should increase choice and personal flexibility

15. All change should increase wholeness. Less conflict and congruence

16. Change should be quick and long lasting

17. We are in charge of our minds and therefore our outcomes and results

18. Positively frame your outcomes - say what you want